Nursing CE Central

A 2-part (UX audit and redesign) challenge conducted for a professional Continuing Education platform for nurses.




Desktop site




UX/UI Designer
9-12 Sep 2023
Critical Analysis
CRO Analysis

Project Background

Nursing CE Central (NCC) is an accredited provider of online Continuing Education (CE) courses for nurses working within the United States. I completed this design challenge for NCC in September 2023 as part of their candidate evaluation process for a UX Designer / CRO Specialist role. The project parameters were broad: to provide the results of a UX audit and a redesign in any format and within any timeframe. I chose to use Figma to build an animated walkthrough of my analysis and design process, which I then recorded in a live presentation to best convey my findings. I completed this project in 4 days.

Video Walkthrough

Part 1: Site Audit

NCC sells state-specific CE courses to ensure compliance with local requirements. I was assigned the California landing page with the goal of optimizing conversions and improving the user experience for potential customers who had been funneled to that page from the parent site.  

Audit Highlights:

Part 2: Checkout Redesign

For the redesign portion I was assigned the Checkout page (Note: all state-specific pages direct to the same checkout process). The task was to identify areas for improvement and to create a mock-up that would optimize conversions.

Redesign Highlights:


NCC is a well-reviewed company with an impressive offering at a comptetive price point; however, due to the current structure of its site that value is not being expressed as clearly as it can be. Fortunately, the information that needs to be conveyed is (mostly) already available on the site. By implementing the straightforward changes outlined in this presentation NCC can quickly and effectively convey their criitical information to the customer (who they are, what they're offering, and why the customer should care), retain their attention, and move them through the journey to conversion.

See more of my work